Second All Avatar Magazine Hits the Stands on September 18th!
Nick Magazine has released the street date for its much anticipated second, all Avatar magazine! Below they share with
the fans some tantalizing previews of the magazine's content, and have even given us permission to print the first page of
some of the major comics that appear in it. Click on the thumbnails of each comic or graphic to view it in full size, including
the final version of the cover seen at right! Enjoy, and remember to support the show by buying a copy of the magazine
when it comes out! Exclusive Avatarfanatic.Com news release.
On Newsstands, September 18th, the
all-new official Avatar magazine!
Includes over 30 pages of all-new comics featuring adventures that take place
between seasons 2 and 3! These comics are the collaboration of writers and artists from the show such as Aaron Ehasz, Ethan
Spaulding, Tim Hendrick, Josh Hamilton, May Chan and Katie Mattila along with acclaimed comic artists Amy Kim Ganter (Sorcerer’s
and Secretaries), Reagan Lodge (Flight), Bryan Ralph (Giant Robot), and Johane “Rufftoon” Matte (Teen Titans Go!)
Here’s the complete line up...
At left: "The Bridge"
Story by Josh Hamilton and Tim Hedrick with Aaron Ehasz. Script by Frank
Pittarese. Art and Color by Reagan Lodge.
After the fall of Ba Sing Se, the gang meets up with Hakoda and the Water
Tribe to plan their next move. With the Avatar wounded and out of commission do they stand a chance against the approaching
Fire Nation fleet?
At right: "Going Home Again"
Story by Aaron Ehasz. May Chan and Katie Mattila. Script by Katie
Mattila with Alison Wilgus. Art by Amy Kim Ganter. Color by Wes Dzioba.
Azula refuses to take no for answer when Zuko
chooses to stay in Ba Sing Se, rather than return to the Fire Nation as a hero alongside her. Thus a plan is set in motion
that involves false pretenses, the Dai Li, and reigniting an old flame.
At left: "It’s Only Natural"
Story by Josh Hamilton and Johane Matte. Art by Johane
Matte. Colors by Wes Dzioba.
Sokka helps the Earth King prepare his royal bear Bosco for life in the wild. Hilarity
ensues and lessons are learned…but by whom?
At right: "Momo in Fruitstand Freestyle"
Story and Art by Brian Ralph. A silent story about everyone’s
favorite wicked little critter doing what he does best…getting into trouble!
Second SDCC Video & Amira's SDCC Coverage Is Up !

The second SDCC video containing additional footage of the Avatar panel is now up! You can access it by clicking on the link above or by clicking
on the logo at left. Alternatecoppa of Distant Horizon / Dongbu Feng has worked hard on putting this together from different
footage sources and we thank him for his prodigious efforts! Here's a message from Alternatecoppa describing the video:
everyone! It's Alternatecoppa. Here it is, the video footage I edited together from as many of the Avatar events as I
could attend on Saturday July 28th at the San Diego Comic Con.
You've waited a long time, and so have I. But it
was important to get it right. First of all, let me remind everyone that we were kindly asked to refrain from showing
the entire 60 minutes of the panel by Nickelodeon since they wish to keep some of what happened as a treat for us
on the Book 3 DVD box set special features. While we know others have ignored this wish and posted the panel video in
full elsewhere, I hope you'll enjoy the 6 minute summary I'm bringing to you here all the same.
The video is fairly
long, 20 minutes in total (so try to be patient with the download times) and the panel is hardly the only thing we covered
that day. If you were there in costume, you may very well see yourself, hamming it up for my camera. For those who weren't
there, I hope this gives you a satisfying first hand look at what it was like to be at San Diego Comic Con!"
Thanks again to Alternatecoppa and the other good folks of DH and DF who collaborated on this project!
Working together for the fans pays off and we're glad to have met everyone face to face finally. See y'all next year!
SDCC Avatar Panel Blowout! 374 Screenshots Now Up!
The Avatar panel was held here at SDCC this morning at 10:30AM. The room was packed to capacity and the program was
awesome! Tons of hard core fans from ASN, Distant Horizon, DeviantArt, LiveJournal and many other places were there in force.
It was great to finally meet so many of the people we talk with online and attach names to faces! ASN, Distant Horizon and
Dongbu Feng have agreed to share videos and recordings to make sure that the fans don't miss a thing! We'll be writing
up a full con report for the "Con Report" section and posting it in the forums, but as you can see from the screenshot on
the left (Maiko shippers rejoice!), the trailers and other items displayed for season three were spectacular! We have a 61
minute video of the whole presentation which we will try and post very soon, but in the meantime we've posted below the season
3 trailer for your enjoyment. Pardon the loss of focus in a few places, all camera mistakes are my own!
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