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When the show debuted, it was rated the best animated television series in its demographic. The show averages 1.1 million viewers on the Friday Night block of programming on Nickelodeon when new episodes premiere
at 8:00 EST. The one-hour special showing of Secret of the Fire Nation (consisting of the episodes "The Serpent's Pass" and "The Drill"), which was aired on September 15, 2006, gathered an audience of 4.1 million viewers. According to the Nielsen Media Research, the special was the best performing
cable television show airing in that week.
Nominations and awards
Avatar won two Pulcinella Awards in 2005 for "Best Action/Adventure Series" and "Best Series of the Year." It received Annie Award nominations for "Best Animated Television Production" and "Writing in an Animated Television Production" ("The Fortuneteller"), and won "Storyboarding in an Animated Television Production" ("The Deserter"). For 2006, two Avatar crew members were nominated for and achieved an Annie Award: Yu Jae Myung for "Character Animation
in a Television Production" ("The Blind Bandit") and Giancarlo Volpe for "Directing in an Animated Television Production" ("The Drill"). On March 27, 2007, Avatar received a Genesis Award from The Humane Society of the United States in the category "Outstanding Children's Programming" for Appa's Lost Days, which the HSUS Genesis Award press release described as "...a mythical tale about animals held captive for human entertainment
that resonates with the way animals are used in circuses today."
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